Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bankruptcy Counseling

When Congress passed the new Bankruptcy laws in 2005, their goal was to eliminate bankruptcy abuse -- to keep people who could easily pay their bills from filing for bankruptcy over and over and over. I don't know if they achieved that goal, but they sure did make it difficult for people who truly need the relief that bankruptcy provides.

The next step in our process is Bankruptcy Counseling. My wife and I must each complete a pre-filing course that will help us with a budget, show us other alternatives to bankruptcy, etc. There are several "approved" credit counseling companies that can administer this training and issue the required certificate upon completion. Their fees range from $20 per person to $125 per couple. Some allow couples to take the course together while others require them to do so separately (and charging each as an individual). Depending on the company, the course can last from 45 minutes to two hours.

Then again before the bankruptcy can be discharged and relief ordered, a Financial Management Course is required. I haven't even looked at all of the details for it, but it again requires registration fees.

With the fees involved, it looks like we'll be starting our first course on payday next week. It's time to get this thing moving. We received a summons today for a garnishment hearing in the case that was recently judged against us. I'd really like to get this thing moving before that court date comes up.

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